What’s the Answer?

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It’s time to pray, pray, pray like never before. Only God can put an end to these woes (see my previous post), and restore His blessing to America. But God is not going to make all things good just because we’re America and we think we’re privileged. (See 2 Chronicles 7:14.)

No, we’ve got to repent…repent for killing tens of millions of babies, repent for accepting as normal perverted lifestyles and immorality in the name of political correctness, and repent for teaching antisemitism in the universities. We’ve got to stop the hate, stop the division, stop the fighting… God’s Word says plainly that a city (in our case a nation) divided will fall!

Pandemic, Violence and Election Attacks

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America is experiencing attack after attack from the wildfires on the West Coast to the violence in her big cities to the political back and forth, especially in so-called swing states where each candidate is trying to turn the votes in his direction…when will it end?

Surely, America with all her genius will put out the fires and find a vaccine, and things will cool down after the election. Or will they? Both sides are saying they will not accept the results if the other party wins. Are we in for more violence, a revolution or worse, a civil war in our beloved country?

Hope for the Future Comes When We Are Thankful!

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I praise God for His protection and provision in my life and family. His love and faithfulness never fail. I am so thankful that no matter what comes against us—health, financial, family issues, or anything else—God’s grace is sufficient to overcome every adversity.

When we remember and take time to meditate on God’s goodness, it raises hope in us for the future because we know He is the same yesterday, today and forever. What God has done for you in the past, He will do again in whatever situation you are facing right now.

Don’t believe the devil’s lie that your life is over, the loss is imminent, or you’ll never get what you desire. Praise God—He loves you and He has good things planned for you! Read Psalm 37:4.

Following the News?

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If you’re following the news about the Coronavirus, the violence, division and political unrest in America, you’ll want to read my two timely books. Far from being fluff about how to get rich or name it and claim it, both books foretell that things are going to get worse, just like it says in the Bible, but there is protection and hope. This can be the best time of your life, but it’s going to be only the truth you find in God’s Word that will carry you through and lift you above the troubles to experience God’s blessings in your life and the fulfillment of your destiny for such a time as this. Find out more on HealingforAmerica.com.