It’s Time for THE END-TIME Harvest in America!
God has chosen to use the Church to bring an awakening to America and return our nation to the godly principles established by our founding fathers. We have made great strides in the past few years, but there is still much work to be done!
The devil will be roaring his ugly head at every turn, so we must be vigilant to pray, pray, pray every day for our nation and her leaders! It’s time for the Church to take her place. . .to stand for righteousness. . .to stand strong in our support for Israel. . .and to be a shining light amidst the doom and gloom of the naysayers and the coming challenges facing America and her people. It’s harvest time in America!
A Personal Note from Holly. . .
Dear Friend,
I invite you to check out my blog and share your comments, concerns, prayer needs and victories (testimonies). There is a reason why you’re living in this season. God has a glorious destiny for you in His kingdom—NOW on the earth and for all eternity with the King of kings and the Lord of lords, Jesus Christ. If you’re not sure you have a personal relationship with Jesus or you have a prayer request, visit my “Meet Jesus” or “Prayers” page.
VISIT MY WEB STORE to get your personal copy of my latest book, Curses, Plagues, and Pandemonium: Finding Peace, Provision and Protection in Perilous Times, to read yourself or as a gift for someone you care about who needs hope, help or healing. Or, pick up a copy of my timely book, The Answer Book for Troubled Times. Bye for now — Holly