We are living in strategic, critical times where people may no longer be able to turn to the things they have depended on for support and safety in the past. There may come a time when hospitals are not available, government assistance is not available, and “business as usual” will not meet their needs.
Both Christian and secular authorities have warned that the United States’ electrical grid is a prime target for enemy nations to launch an EMP attack that would kill many and cause the nation to regress back into “pioneer” days. Electricity, technology, transportation and other things we’ve come to regard as necessities would come to a grinding halt. Food, gas and other commodities would be in short supply. Looters would be a constant threat to safety and security.
An EMP attack would be just one possible deadly scenario. Others include nuclear incidents, biological or chemical attacks, incurable plagues or natural disasters, possible civil war or martial law developing out of division, revolution or violence in the streets of America. These are very real perils…
This know also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come. (2 Timothy 3:1)
Believers and unbelievers alike will have to learn to trust God for their very survival. (For more information, please read my book, The Answer Book for Troubled Times, available on Amazon, Barnes &, Google Play, or on this website,
A Prayer for You
Dear God, I praise You, Father, that I can place my trust and hope in You no matter what happens here in the earth. Please guide me in the way that I should go. I thank You for divine health, wisdom, provision and protection. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
(Note: For more excerpts from Curses, Plagues, and Pandemonium, visit “Answers for Today” again next month or check out the “Look Inside” feature here at