Do Miracles Still Happen? (Continued)
You have probably heard people—maybe even your own family and friends—tell with excitement how God healed them miraculously. . . when the doctors said it was impossible, or they themselves had given up and decided to live with the sickness the best they could. They knew God could heal them, but would He really do it?
Do not give up your hope! God truly does not show favoritism, and what He has done for others He will do for YOU! The Bible says that people perish for lack of knowledge. This means that you also have a part in receiving God’s healing of your body. Your part includes obtaining the knowledge you need to prepare your understanding and build your faith to be healed!
A Ministry of Miracles
…how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. (Acts 10:38, NKJV)
God’s power was with Jesus!
God’s power was with Jesus, through His Spirit, to preach, teach and heal the sick. Note that this passage pinpoints the origin of sickness: “oppressed by the devil.” God does not cause sickness—the devil does. So, let’s put the blame where it belongs. “The thief (devil) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10 , NKJV)
This abundant life includes deliverance from the oppression and attacks of our enemy, the devil. It also includes our healing from sickness and disease.
You can be healed and walk in abundant health!
“Yes, but,” you may say, “doesn’t God allow the devil to harm us?” or, “God removes His protection” or, “God is trying to teach me something.” No, no, no! If the devil gains access to us, it’s because we gave it to him. People open the door to sickness and other attacks of the devil in many ways: sin, ignorance (of what God’s Word promises about healing), fear, unbelief, judging others, selfishness, ignoring God, and unforgiveness. But the good news is that there is no sickness or problem too hard for God. Nothing we have done, or haven’t done, is out of the reach of God’s grace—except if we choose to reject Him. The same anointing that empowered Jesus, when He walked on the earth, is available today to heal the sick; to set the captives free from sin, oppression, and pain.
Dare to believe that Jesus is still a Miracle-Worker, and He will meet your need today!